Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Family Fun and Healthier Eating

I'm determined to get my family on track with eating healthier.  They (not me) are chip people!  I can take them or leave them--though I am quite found of Cool Ranch Doritos.  The rest, ahh...I can pass them up.  BUT, when I saw some recipes for apple chips on Pinterest....yep, I needed to make them!!  

The great thing is they are easy to prep and while they bake, I can get other things finished around the house.

I have found several recipes online from various sources and have adapted them to suit our needs.  Again, I always like to find things that all of us can do together.  Therefore this recipe is kid friendly.

Step 1: Preheat your oven to 225 and line baking sheets with parchment paper.

Step 2: Choose your favorite sweet apple. You can even do a variety of flavors.
Step 3: Cut your apples into rings. 
We did this with the mandolin like the baked potato chips, working around the core. 

Step 4:  Choose how you would like to flavor your apple.  Just a hint to add a hint of sweet.
 I'm bad about measurements as I just pour it in until I get the taste/color I'm wanting.
We divided up our apple rings and tried vanilla powder, cinnamon/sugar mixture, and brown sugar.  I liked the taste of all of these on the chips. 

Then sprinkle the rings with your taste of flavor/sweetness.
 You can clearly tell that Connor likes to sprinkle more than just a bit. ;)

Pop them in the oven for an hour, flip and then bake an hour longer.

My hubby liked this picture. 

And there you have it!

2-3 apples (I prefer golden delicious or honeycrisp as they have a sweeter taste)
cinnamon/sugar mixture (1 tsp. cinnamon to 2 1/2 tsp sugar)

Preheat oven to 225. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.  Slice your apples creating rings, leaving skin on. Lay in single layers on your parchment lined baking sheet.  Sprinkle with your cinnamon mixture.  Bake for one hour.  Flip apples over and return to the oven for another hour.   Enjoy!!

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